New Earth Energy Healing?

New Earth Energy Healing is an energy healing modality developed by Ruth Lera, Professional Energy Healer and Meditation Instructor, with the support of her spiritual support team. New Earth Energy Healing is a modality anyone can learn, without previous energy healing experience being necessary. However, this modality can also be combined with other modalities, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, Somatic Healing, massage, or other practices.

The focus of New Earth Energy Healing is to bring about the most healing results possible for the client, in the most effective manner available.

This is accomplished through using the intention that the healing be for the highest good.

Practitioners of New Earth Energy Healing rely on their intuitive abilities to connect with all energies involved, in order to be guided to the highest healing they can apply for the client.

Practitioners accomplish this by paying complete attention to their intuition through the clair communication system. The clair communication system includes: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance.

New Earth Energy school strives to create an environment where we all support and help each other in our education and growth. Our studies revolve around participating in partner work, which looks like students regularly engaging in healing each other.

This partner work meets two goals:


Students get practice at engaging with their clair communication system and learn many different energy healing techniques through practice.


Students receive many hours of much-needed healing, where their own dark energy, entities and soul loss are healed. This results in having clearer energy flow and more access to the clair communication system. All New Earth Energy Healing students and practitioners must receive many hours of healing themselves, for their system to be clear enough to receive the highest potential of guidance.

New Earth Energy School believes that each individual’s passions and gifts need to be accessed to bring the highest healing results to our clients. Practitioners are encouraged to follow their own soul path and to illuminate their highest authenticity, which in the end will result in the best healing results for their clients.

The ultimate goal of New Earth Energy Healing is to help people heal from the immense amount of dark energy, entity attacks, misaligned wiring, and soul loss that has occurred for humans over the last couple of centuries so that we can regain our organic, light body energy and return to a state of health, love and cooperation.

Providing a safe, guided space