Student Clinic

We are now recruiting volunteers for our student clinic. The Student Clinic runs between April 22nd to July 30th.

Receive a free healing as part of our student clinic. Our student clinic opens between April 22 and July 30th, when our students will have been training for 28 weeks. Each week, they have been developing their confidence, techniques and Clair communication systems and giving healings to other students.

Previous volunteers have reported feeling incredibly impressed with the level of healing the students were able to activate in them, sharing that they felt lighter, more regulated and at greater peace within themselves. Student healers are supported by the founder of New Earth Energy School and Instructor, Ruth Lera, who has worked professionally as an Energy Healer since 2013, completing over 5000 sessions.

When you receive a healing from New Earth Energy School students, we trust you will be in good, caring and capable hands.

Sign-up below to add your name to this list for receiving healings beginning in April.

Volunteer Sign-Up

Add your name to the Student Clinic Volunteer List. This list will be used to match volunteers with healers during our Student Clinic period. There are currently two options that we have available for our Student Clinic. Please indicate on the form which you are interested in participating in.

Option 1: Come to a scheduled Monday class on the following dates: April 22nd, 29th and May 6th from 7pm-8pm Yukon Time (MST) and receive a 1-hour healing session from a Student Healer.

Option 2: Receive a 1-hour healing on-demand with a Student Healer during the practicum period from May to July, 2024. These will be scheduled and set-up with the Student Healer you are paired with.